• Can I return or exchange my playbook after I purchase it?
  • Given the digital nature of our products, once they have been purchased, they cannot be returned or exchanged. If you run into any issues with one of our products, we encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible so we can help remedy the situation whenever possible.

  • Are there kid-friendly menus or menu options?
  • In our house we encourage our kids to eat what we eat rather than making kid-specific menu items. Just about everything my husband and I eat, can be cut into smaller pieces or modified in some way so that our kids can eat it too. While the menus available on Dinner Party Playbook are not developed to be specifically for kids, we believe most can be served to them with some minor modifications. However, we understand that some kids can be a bit more “choosey” than others, in which case you may want to supplement the meal with some menu items you know the kids will enjoy.

  • Are there menus for different dietary restrictions or preferences (e.g. vegetarian, gluten free, nut free, etc.)?
  • A selection of menus are developed specifically for certain common dietary restrictions or preferences, the details of which are listed on the Product Page for each menu. Most menus, however, are not. Having said that, all playbooks include instructions for how a menu may be modified to adhere to a certain dietary restriction.

  • Can I make substitutions or edits to the menu items?
  • Absolutely. While the menu as a whole is developed to work as a unit, you can certainly omit or adjust as you see fit. Oftentimes people will substitute the listed dessert for a favorite family recipe. Or they will omit one of the side dishes in favor of a store bought option to make things even easier. We do our best to give you guidance and support, but in the end what we want is for you to have the experience that YOU want!

  • What if I have more than 8 guests coming to my dinner party?
  • All menus are developed to feed about 8 people, as that is generally the maximum number of guests for most dinner parties. However, if you will be hosting more than that there are a number of things you can do depending on both the menu you’ve chosen and the number of guests. 

    1) For the main entree, typically a meat or protein, simply increase the quantity proportionally. Example: if the recipe calls for 8 pork chops and you’re expecting 10 people, increase it to 10

    2) Add an additional menu item or two to help stretch the food a bit further. Perhaps an extra side dish, or additional pre-dinner appetizers.

    3) Proportionally increase each recipe or certain recipes to accommodate the extra people. Example: If you’re expecting 12, increase recipes by 1.5 times. If you’re unsure on how best to accommodate extra guests, please feel free to reach out to us and we will provide our best recommendation.

  • Can I share the playbook I purchased with others?
  • While there is nothing physically prohibiting you from sharing your purchased playbook, we are a small business and work hard to make our products as helpful and affordable as possible. If you truly enjoyed one of our products, your referral of our products to your loved ones is the highest compliment and would be greatly appreciated.

  • Are the menus meant to be served plated, buffet-style, or family-style?
  • I tend to go back and forth between family-style and buffet-style. My preference is always to go with family-style, as I like the more intimate nature of it. However, sometimes the table size and setting don’t work with the amount of food that would be set out. In those instances I go with buffet-style. I rarely serve plated meals for dinner parties. The frequent exception, however, is desserts. Oftentimes I find that desserts work better when plated individually. Although that’s not always the case. Having said all of that, feel free to serve your menu the way that makes the most sense to you.