Hello! I'm Megan.


For me there is both magic and comfort in gathering friends and family inside my home for a shared meal. Truth be told, I’m an introvert--the kind that gravitates toward deeper conversations and connections with smaller groups of people rather than larger gatherings with (heaven forbid!) mingling and small talk. It’s the intimate nature of dinner parties that will always make them my preferred method of socialization.

After graduating from culinary school, I spent several years working my way through cafes, bakeries, and restaurants. I savored the creativity, efficiency, and hustle that formed my commercial kitchen experience. And I truly thrived in that high-end, fancy schmancy, everything-must-be-impressive world. However, a few years ago I stopped working in that world, so the bulk of my cooking and baking shifted to my home--nestled within the packed schedule of daily family life. It was only then that I came to the harsh realization that while I truly do care deeply about immaculate presentation, I’m a little bit busy and a lot bit lazy. And in actuality, my true gift is in finding that sweet spot between impact and ease.

It was my mom who inadvertently nudged me to formalize this gift into something concrete. My mom has a true talent for all things beautiful and special. Whether it’s Christmas dinner or an evening grilling out with family, she is passionate about aesthetics, special touches, and making such events a sight to be seen. Having said that, because she wants things to be so special, when she plans a menu she tends to bite off more than she cares to chew. She also doesn’t really love the actual cooking side--partly because it means that she’s in the kitchen while everyone else is hanging out and having a good time. So rather than enjoying herself, she turns into a frazzled mess and starts threatening to cancel Christmas!

I felt compelled to step in and offer a solution. Dinner parties are about curating an experience. But that experience isn’t just for the guests, it’s for the host as well. If I could use my experience to help her choose her menu carefully, understand timing, and work smarter, then I could give her a dinner party experience that is both highly manageable for her and still memorable for all. So that’s what I started doing. And it was this work that ultimately became the birth of Dinner Party Playbook. 

I truly believe that dinner parties have the ability to nurture human connection in a way that few other types of gatherings can. And they’re just plain fun! But I also recognize that taking on the task of hosting a dinner party can be cumbersome. My goal with Dinner Party Playbook is to remove the work that feeds the overwhelm. With thoughtful menus, detailed checklists, adaptable timelines, and make-ahead blueprints, I aim to simplify the work of hosting so you can relish in the experience alongside your guests.

Hi! I'm Taylor.

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